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We’re All Going On A Summer Holiday!

By Mark Hilton, Lisa Hilton & Andrew Oxspring
Ages: 7-11yrs

School’s out and the Summers family is heading to Poplins, the holiday camp where, according to the brochure, ‘dreams become reality’! As they meet a host of wonderfully flamboyant and hilarious characters, experiencing gourmet dining, ballroom dancing, treasure hunts and a Glamorous Granny competition, they realise that life is for living and opportunities are there for the taking! This fantastic new musical explores the challenges of moving on (perfect for leavers), of daring to try new things and of facing life’s little hurdles with a song in your heart and a dance in your step!

*FREE Word doc. of the script to edit yourself*

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Plot Summary

As headteacher, Miss Belcher, delivers her final assembly of the term, the staff and children are excited about what the holidays will bring, now that school’s out! Whilst nervously talking with a group of friends about the prospect of ‘big school’, twins Lily and Josh Summers tell them, with muted enthusiasm, about their forthcoming family trip to Poplins Holiday Camp! It’s their grandparents’ ‘treat’ – a chance to live the high-life before they’re too old! Meanwhile, the teachers discuss the ways they’ll be winding down and all agree that six weeks off school is just what the doctor ordered. Song – Summer Vacation
While the Summers family suffers a cramped car journey, with cries of ‘Are we there yet?’, complaints about lack of phone-charge and plenty of adult bickering, the Green Coats of Poplins marvel at the refurbishment and upgrade their camp has recently undergone, including the recruitment of famous Chef Raymond Blah-Blah and celebrity dance instructors Anton Du Pantalon and Angelina Pasodoble! Song – Ready To Go
As the Poplins’ doors are flung open, the hordes arrive and they are dispatched to their chalets by the Green Coats, with promises of a thrilling timetable of events ahead! As well as the Summers family, the guests include a mysterious couple, Mr Smith and Miss Jones, who seem intent on avoiding contact with their fellow camp-mates!
Each day’s event is introduced by the camp announcer, with those familiar Hi De Hi-style xylophone ‘ding-dongs’ played by a rather over-enthusiastic assistant! Our first experience of Poplins hospitality is ‘Steak Night’ in the restaurant, where Chef Raymond Blah-Blah laps up the praise from adoring diners. Song – Et Voila! Unfortunately, Grandpa George is thoroughly unimpressed with the gourmet dish he is given to eat. He didn’t serve 47 years in her Majesty’s army just to be ‘poisoned by some silly man in a silly hat’. Grandma Margaret, upset by his rudeness to the chef and his unwillingness to try something new, storms out leaving George with a few harsh home-truths to consider. Is he too old to change his ways and make amends?
Next on the agenda is the ‘Precisely Poplins’ dance masterclass, with the tastefully-tanned and superbly-sequined instructors, Anton Du Pantalon and Angelina Pasodoble. As they guide some star-struck couples through their paces (song – Two Left Feet), Julie Summers (Mum) waits on her own for her husband Dave to show up, knowing he is a reluctant participant in the class. Dave arrives too late for them to dance and his forlorn wife makes her feelings about his up-tightness and lack of gumption very obvious! How will Dave make it up to Julie?
It’s a morning by the pool, where Grandma Margaret takes the bull by the horns and enters the Poplins Glamorous Granny Competition (song – H-A-P-P-Y O-A-P), much to the embarrassment of her husband George! However, against some stiff competition, her attitude that ‘you’re never too old’ puts her in contention for the winner’s rosette, the recipient of which will be announced at the big farewell bash the following evening.
That afternoon we find Lily and Josh in the woods enjoying a treasure hunt with some other children. As the others wander off in different directions, the twins contemplate their young lives, their pending move to secondary school and the fact that their family can be a real pain! Discovered by an understanding Green Coat, Lily and Josh are given words of encouragement and some tips on how to deal with the changes that are coming their way. Song – It Isn’t Easy
It’s the final evening at Poplins and all gather in the ballroom for the end of holiday party. And what a party it is! In a wonderful sequence of events, conflicts are resolved, attitudes are changed, mysteries are solved and each one of the Summers family finds cause for celebration and optimism. Life lessons are well and truly learned and shared in an emotional finale! Song – Dance Like No-one Is Watching

Listen below to the songs from ‘We’re All Going On A Summer Holiday!’
"Summer Vacation"
"Ready To Go"
"Et Voila!"
"Two Left Feet"
"It Isn't Easy Being A Kid"
"Dance Like No-one Is Watching"


If you have a smaller cast, because some characters only appear in one scene, multiple parts can be played by single actors. Alternatively, for bigger cast numbers, many of the larger speaking parts have enough lines to be shared out between any extra characters you want to include.

44 Speaking parts
At School:
Miss Belcher – headteacher
Her tired staff:
Mr Titmarsh
Mrs Perkins
Mr Smart
Miss Tidy
4 Childreneagerly awaiting the summer holidays

The Summers Family:
Josh & Lily – twins
Julie – Mum
Dave – Dad
Margaret – Grandma
George – Grandpa

The Poplins Team:
Announcerkeeping us up to date with events as they unfold
6 Green Coatshosts with the most
Chef Raymond Blah Blahthat cook off the telly, likes his cheese and he likes it smelly
Waiterworking hard to earn the tips
Anton Du Patalon & Angelina Pasodoblecelebrity dancers with celebrity egos
4 Judgeschoosing the most glamorous granny

Poplins Guests:
Mr Smith & Miss Jonesa mysterious couple, if slightly familiar…hmmm
5 Dinersenjoying Chef’s cutting-edge cuisine
4 Dancing Couplestrying to Cha-Cha-Cha with two left feet
Audrey & Gwenglamorous grannies
3 Treasure-hunterslost in the woods

2 non-speaking (but important) parts:
Assistant to the Announcer – a whizz on the xylophone
Pool Attendant – a whizz with a fishing net

Ensemble Characters– for featured scenes and songs

More school staff and children
Poplins holiday makers
Diners and kitchen staff
Dancing couples
Glamorous grannies
Treasure-hunting kids

What do you get?

This musical production is available to buy in 2 different formats.

Option 1 – Physical Product – Posted

This option can be paid for online, or schools* can request to have goods sent with an invoice to be paid within 30 days.
* Non-UK schools and private individuals (not ordering on behalf of a UK school) must pay online.

A wire-bound book with:
Full script
Detailed stage directions
Character information
Tips for costumes, props and scenery
Piano score for all songs
Licensing information

An Audio CD with:
Vocal demo tracks to all songs
Backing tracks to all songs
Continuity/incidental music
Sound effects

Option 2 – Digital Download

Any order containing a digital download option must be paid for online at the point of ordering. Any order containing a digital download which is not accompanied by payment will not be processed.

Both PDF and editable MS Word documents of:
Full script
Detailed stage directions
Character information
Tips for costumes, props and scenery
Piano score for all songs
Licensing information

MP3 files of:
Vocal demo tracks to all songs
Backing tracks to all songs
Continuity/incidental music
Sound effects

Extras included:
JPEG files of cover artwork for making posters or other promo material.

Upon completion of your order, a link will be automatically sent to the email address you provided, from which all the files can be downloaded.

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5 out of 5 stars

86 reviews

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What others are saying

  1. Elly smith

    Elly smith

    I love this play I am treasure hunter 3 and although I don’t have many lines I still enjoyed this and we are performing our show tommorow in front of our entire primary! It is really sad though – we are leaving on Friday 19th!

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  2. Daisy



    It’s so lovely seeing everyone say what character they’re playing, I’m playing the announcer but I’m finding it hard to learn my lines. However, I love the play itself and hope that when the day comes, it’ll be perfect!

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  3. DeNzEl



    it is so funny i am announcer and i love cumberland sausages

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  4. Natasha Clemitshaw

    Hilarious play

    Natasha Clemitshaw

    Our Y6 loved putting on this performance. It had the audience in absolute stitches. They payed the characters so well and are still singing the songs now it’s over. Highly recommended. Thanks Edgy for yet another smash hit!

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  5. George Norman

    Just the best!

    George Norman

    Year 6 absolutely loved performing ‘We’re All Going On A Summer Holiday’. It’s incredibly funny and so well written the children can’t help but find their character on stage. All four performances had the audience in stitches. The script is fab and I still find myself humming the songs weeks after…!

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  6. Leia Marie moxon


    Leia Marie moxon

    I like this production because I know that I can do it in school and it’s child friendly:)

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  7. Macie



    So funny and so fun

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  8. Anonymous

    Who wouldn’t want to spend a week at Poplins?


    This musical is fantastic! Fun and laughter all the way through. We had t-shirts printed with POPLINS HOLIDAY CAMP on the front. The children absolutely loved performing this musical. Catchy songs, that you can’t get out of your head too! I can thoroughly recommend! As always, Edgy Productions come up trumps! The audience gave a standing ovation! So that says it all! 👏👏

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  9. Anonymous



    If you’re a school and looking for a leavers play. THIS IS THE PLAY
    It was amazing and funny. My primary school did it and I was Lily
    Honestly my most favourite play I have done in the 7 years of doing them
    Have fun 🙂

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  10. Anonymous



    Great I played Julie hole school loved it

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  11. Anonymous

    Absolutely brilliant!


    We’ve used all of Edgy productions leavers’ plays and this one is the very best – so funny!

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  12. Anonymous



    I was miss jones my year did it it was so amazing

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  13. Anonymous


    It is absolutely Amazing

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  14. Anonymous


    We did that s as our school production and I was costume ,make up and I came on at the end it is so funny and I loved this production

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  15. Anonymous



    I was Green Coat 1 and my class did it . We all loved it and so did the adience

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  16. Anonymous



    Very entertaining

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  17. Anonymous



    Wow I am Green coat 3 and it it such an amazing play. I recommend this to everyone.

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  18. Anonymous


    this show is absolutely amazing i play Lily and i love the play cant wait to end the year with a bang

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  19. Anonymous

    Reality D


    Amazing im playing Dave

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  20. Anonymous



    I played the chef and Audrey. I am a boy! It is such a good play.

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  21. Anonymous



    I love it ! I play Anton and my best friend is Angelina . We are both girls and I thought it would be a great way to end primary school

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  22. Anonymous

    Amber lindhead


    I’m Gwen and I think it’s amazing

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  23. Anonymous



    i love this play .my school is higham on the hill , GEORGE…….is a great charecter .i love the song two left feet. THIS IS A GREAT/AWSOME PLAY. IT IS legound……DARY

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  24. Anonymous



    I play George and I love when I get to say after 47 years in her majesty’s army…

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  25. Anonymous



    i play lily as i have fun playing a sassy character

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  26. Anonymous


    I play Angelina , its the best play ever !!💗

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  27. Anonymous

    Laila elmwood primary school


    I get to play angelina then my best friend has to play anton so we get to dance and talk in the play. I luv reahearsing it so much and luv the script and silly songs. Thanks edgy productions for creating this for everyone to enjoy and laugh at.

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  28. Anonymous



    Love it I am green coat 4 and my favourite character is green coat 2

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  29. Anonymous



    It’s amazing!!!!! I am lily and I’m so excited for this is amazing!!!!!!

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  30. Anonymous

    Naunton park primary school


    I’m josh and I can’t wait to perform it

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  31. Anonymous

    Dylan pitmaston primrary school


    I’m anton and I absolutely love all the songs and it’s a great film to do for our leavers assembly

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  32. Anonymous


    wow amazing

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  33. Anonymous



    I am Josh and it is very exciting practising for this play. LOVE IT

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  34. Anonymous


    I’m doing it this year for my leavers play and I’m green coat 3.I love it ,the best play ever.It has some very cool songs and very funny fave character is George as he always going on about ‘after 47 years in her majesty’s army…….’

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  35. Anonymous


    I love this play I’m playing man 4 and judge 2 and on the summer vacation song we’re doing rock guitars

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  36. Anonymous

    Alex OurLadyOfLourdes Arnos Grove station


    We are doing it for our production and it is the 2nd best thing in the world for me

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  37. Anonymous

    Charnwood primary academy


    This is a great play! I am a student and I am playing Julie

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  38. Anonymous

    Tyler sturrock wold academy


    I love the songs this year I’m doing this play! I’m Josh in the play

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  39. Anonymous

    Barrow Hall Primary School


    I wish I I could stay in primary school forever

    Love it! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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  40. Anonymous

    eleanor strathpeffer primary


    I play Julie and i have to dance the tango with this really annoying boy

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  41. Anonymous



    my name is Gabriel and I’m playing George it’s so fun I’m excited

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  42. Anonymous

    Justin Featherstone primary


    this fab product really shined in our school leavers assembly

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  43. Anonymous


    I love this

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  44. Anonymous



    I am playing hunter 3 and woman dancer 2 it’s so fun and enjoyable

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  45. Anonymous



    I’m Julie Summers I am also the announcer I am really nervous I have to dance the tango with a boy in my class (Dave Summers)

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  46. Anonymous



    I am playing Julie and am loving the play

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  47. Anonymous

    Kaicey from Lavendon school


    I really like I am one of the children I can’t wait to do it

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  48. Anonymous



    Amazing!!!!❤️❤️Doing this for our leavers assembly!!

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  49. Anonymous



    I really think it’s good I love the songs

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  50. Anonymous


    I love this we r doing this as Y6 at the moment and I’m angelina!
    This play is amazing!😉

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  51. Anonymous



    it is amazing I played lilly

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  52. Anonymous



    I am playing Lily and omg I love this. It has some hilarious parts so well done and thankyou for making such a wonderful play!

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  53. Anonymous

    Susan b


    I love it! I’m playing Magaret, and George is hilarious 😂 Best one yet

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  54. Anonymous

    Thor well primary


    It’s really good songs and parts

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  55. Anonymous

    Zach St Martins



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  56. Anonymous

    Frisby school


    Good cool songs

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  57. Anonymous



    This is actually very good. I’m playing Margaret 🙂

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  58. Anonymous



    well i think this play is perfect im dancing with my cousin…….. ok. my school higham on the hill are going to do this play
    its going to be really fun
    visit HIGHAMSCOOL for the play on the 12 th 11th or 10th

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  59. Anonymous



    this play is awsome my school is higham on the hill im women three and child 4.its same as summers

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  60. Anonymous


    Cool. I’m green coat 2. Really recommend

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  61. Anonymous



    I played the announcer,this is the best play ever

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  62. Anonymous



    I’m angilina and i love it

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  63. Anonymous

    orchard primary school



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  64. Anonymous

    Ruthan hessman


    A cool play with good songs

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  65. Anonymous

    Jèan-luc St Marys


    George is the best character and this musical is amazing

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  66. Anonymous

    Kuba Churchfield CE Academy


    Awesome u should try to do it I was Chef Reymond Blah Blah

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  67. Anonymous

    Same as summers


    It is awsome I am child four and women 3. But I have to dance with my cousin 😭

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  68. Anonymous



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  69. Anonymous

    Chloe w


    This is awesome and I am lily I really recommend this! We all love it! 🙂

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  70. Anonymous



    So cool!!!!!!

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  71. Anonymous



    My school Higham on the Hill are doing this play. I’m Mrs Perkins and diner three. this play sounds and looks fun ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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  72. Anonymous



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  73. Anonymous



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  74. Anonymous

    St georges


    Amazing I love the story line!

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  75. Anonymous

    Park Lane primary school


    It’s really good we are using this for our year 6 leavers assembly

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  76. Anonymous




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  77. Anonymous

    St joseph's catholic primary school


    It is amazing we have it for our play I love it thank u for making this play

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  78. Anonymous



    im angilina im so exited

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  79. Anonymous

    Waverley abbey


    Great hope I get to play lily

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  80. Anonymous

    Gamesley Primary School


    The songs are good and the script is funny we are doing it for a production in Ye 6. Thx bye.

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  81. Anonymous


    Great play that I recommend

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  82. Anonymous

    Isaac Leighton Acadamy


    It’s a really good story and has a lot of cool songs

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  83. Anonymous


    Love it

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  84. Anonymous




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  85. Anonymous

    Craigowl p.s



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  86. Anonymous


    I hope we do this for our leavers. So many cool and funny characters!!! 🙂

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